Get to Know Kimberly C. Brown Law Firm

Kimberly C. Brown Law Firm is located in downtown Huntsville, Alabama. Providing services in all areas of law that impact everyday families, including but not limited to family law. Kim is honest, hardworking, compassionate and committed to serving the legal needs of people and the firm has an outstanding success record to prove it. We are firm and assertive in and out of the court with an insatiable passion to her our clients prevent legal issues and win unavoidable cases.

Ranked Top Ten by the National Academy of Family Law Attorneys
Types of Cases We Handle

- Family Law
- Divorce
- Child Custody, Visitation & Support
- Paternity
- Contempt
- Modification
- Involuntary Commitment
- Juvenile/Dependency
- Social Security
- Estate Planning
- Auto Accident
- Education Law
- Small Business/ Nonprofit Creation
- General Counsel Services
- Criminal Law
At the Kimberly C. Law Firm we value our clients, their stories, questions and concerns. We invite you to schedule a consultation today. We understand that every client is not a good fit for our firm and that we may not be a good fit for your issue. We ask that you give us the opportunity to learn about your case and advise your of possible solutions and trust that if we recognize that we cannot help you, we will be honest enough to advise you of this Consultation fees may apply depending on the matter type.